As the word “ Nanotechnology” suggests, it is the phenomenon that deals with extremely small particles. Nano particles are particles that are measured in nanometer scale (1nm – 1 billionth of a meter). So how are such small particles used in a important field like Forensics ?. Nanotechnology include particles from all physical, chemical and biological sciences. A couple of years ago we had noticed the word nanotech or nanotechnology as fiction in movies and novels. It was once a speculative subject of research by scientists. Now a days nanotechnology has become one of the promising yet disputable technology among other existing technologies.
Introduction of nanotechnology in forensic science aims to significantly evolve the investigation process by making it more faster, accurate, sensitive and effective. Nanotechnology or nano particles are considered as reactive or smart materials in the field of forensics which include nanomanipulators and nanoimaging tools for visualization. Nanotechnology along with other technology is deemed to enable the forensic scientist to analyse complex evidences easily and accurately and also find even the smallest traces of evidence found at a crime scene. In science, nanotech or nanotechnology is a subject that occurs majorly in physics and chemistry, but in forensic science nanotechnology is used in all the branches of science including biology and is used for security, screening of drugs, detection of explosives, DNA analysis and many more. Given the size of the nano particle, its is close to impossible to find a evidence of this size at a crime scene of any sort. To tackle this nano sprayers are used that helps detect nano particles or nano evidences at a crime scene. Lab-on-a-chip is also one of the products of nanotechnology with the help of which a forensic scientist can easily analyse a nano evidence accurately. It is also said that in the near future detection of single DNA molecule is also possible using nanotechnology.
The abovementioned nanotechnology is destined not only to prevent and reduce general crime but also help forensic nanotech to further advance and evolve. To enhance security and to prevent crime, nanotechnology has successfully proved itself effective. Nanotechnology not only possess the potential to solve crimes but also can help in preventing it. In the near future, nanotechnology may be helpful as an innovative and preventive tool in the various field of forensic science that include virtual autopsy, crime scene investigation, fingerprint identification, questioned document, ballistics, and toxicology.
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– By: Aaron Arakal